OQ:Obesity Quotient for Children 0-5 years old: A New Index

by P. Dunn-Rankin, R. Rudoy and J. M. Brennan obesityquotient.com

(Click here if you are 15 or older for interesting international weight comparisons!)

This program calculates a new metric, the Obesity Quotient (OQ). The OQ is infant's Body Mass Index (BMI) divided by the Median Body Mass Index (MBMI) of the criterion sex/age in days group.

The ratio is easily calculated and interpreted as a percentage above or below normal body mass. For example an OQ=1.08 means body mass is 8% above average while an OQ=.95 would mean body mass is 5% below average. An OQ=1.08 would place the child at the 85th percentile so only 15%(100-85) of kids have body masses 8% or more above average. Similarly an OQ=.95 would place the child at the 25th percentile.

The Wt(WQ) & Ht(HQ) quotients displayed below provide similar easily interpreted weight & height percentages and percentiles.

Unlike the BMI by itself the OQ's value is stable during the first years of an infant’s life and may also be a more effective indicator of above average body mass or obesity later in life.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's OQ discuss them with their doctor. This site provides information only. It does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or any other individual, does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Enter US or Metric child data & Press Calculate button to see results.

Sex= Name: Optional
Month= Day= Year= of Birth
Month= Day= Year= of Measurement
Height: feet   inches        Weight: pounds   ounces         
Height: cm          Weight: kg